Aeruyado Takamatsu
Aeruyado Takamatsu
Aeruyado Takamatsu
Aeruyado Takamatsu
Aeruyado Takamatsu
Aeruyado Takamatsu
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Aeruyado Takamatsu

草津温泉 和える宿 高松

Last updated: February 19, 2024

A stylish accommodation blending modern Japanese and western design

Experience a relaxing stay at this stylish modern inn, which fuses modern Japanese and western styles. All rooms have balconies, and some have a private open-air bath. Guests can relax in the indoor and outdoor onsen baths, along with a bedrock bath and sauna. Aeruyado Takamatsu is just a short walk from the center of Kusatsu, and steps away from the popular Otakinoyu public bathhouse. The inn opened in late 2020 as an annex of the popular Hotel Takamatsu, where guests can enjoy a kaiseki dinner. Breakfast at Aeruyado Takamatsu includes freshly baked bread and local ingredients. The inn offers a free shuttle bus service from Kusatsu Onsen Bus Terminal.


English support

Some English-speaking staff


Natural hot spring baths

Daytrip bathing

Baths open to non-staying guests


Free Wi-Fi available

Luggage storage

Temporarily store luggage

Luggage delivery

Can send bags via courier service

All Western-style toilets

All toilets are Western style

Chair seating

Dining in chairs (not directly on floor)

Private dining

Private dining rooms available

Ingredients list

Ingredients list for meals


Vegetarian meals upon request


Halal meals upon request

Prayer amenities

Muslim prayer items, support, room, etc.


Non-smoking facility

Smoking area

Smoking room(s) and/or area(s)

Free parking

Free-of-charge car parking

Shuttle bus

Shuttle bus service available

Basic Information


290-14 Kusatsu, Kusatsu, Agatsuma District ( Map)


About 5 minutes on foot from Kusatsu Onsen Bus Terminal


Free, 15 cars


Check-in 3:00 p.m. Check-out 11:00 a.m.





English Chinese Vietnamese Indonesian

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